Andorra Telecom

In 2017, Andorra Telecom has taken a step further in its commitment to offering job opportunities to those with disabilities, as we have become the first company to join the Xarxa d’Empreses Inclusives (Network of Inclusive Companies). This project is an initiative of the Andorran Ministry of Social Affairs, Justice and the Interior, and it seeks to encourage the hiring and lasting employment of individuals with disabilities in the same employment circuit as other professionals. Our membership in the Network was made official on 18 April 2017, when an agreement was signed by the Andorran Minister of Social Affairs, Justice and the Interior, Xavier Espot, and the General Director of Andorra Telecom, Jordi Nadal, at the Andorran Government’s administrative building. One week after the signing, the first two disabled employees were hired by Andorra Telecom’s commercial agency.

For over 15 years, Andorra Telecom has collaborated with the employment programmes of the Nostra Senyora de Meritxell special education school. This cooperation has resulted in the incorporation of two individuals who perform administrative tasks. In addition, there are two more individuals with disabilities who carry out technical tasks at Andorra Telecom and who were hired through traditional channels. At the official press conference , Jordi Nadal pointed out that, currently, two percent of Andorra Telecom’s staff are disabled.

Jordi Nadal also stated that this programme fits perfectly with the company’s policy of favouring the employment of individuals with disabilities. Along these lines, he referred to the company’s collaboration with the Meritxell School’s Agència de Treball amb Suport (Assisted Work Agency, or AGENTAS), which has enabled two individuals to work with our Department of Customer Relations’ archives. Andorra Telecom also has two additional employees with disabilities who carry out technical tasks.

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C/ Prat de la Creu nº 2
AD500 Andorra la Vella
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