News filtered by date: Febrer 2019

The public reaffirms its confidence in Saló del Videojoc, the video game show in its tenth edition

Fifty players were able to play three matches of Fortnite, the fashionable cross-platform game, with the popular youtuber LOLiTO

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Andorra innovates academic degrees through blockchain certification

Actua, the Government of Andorra, Andorra Telecom and FEDA are working on practical applications using this technology

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New record for mobile phones connected to the Andorran network

This past 30th December, the number of connected devices reached 121,000

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The Video Gaming Convention celebrates its 10th edition by redesigning its focus on trainin

The Chief Executive Officer of Andorra Telecom announced the “surprise” appearance at the event of LOLiTO, currently one of the most popular YouTubers

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