News filtered by date: Març 2021

Andorra Telecom’s NIU will take part in the Millonario Master Minds international business summit

On 17 and 18 July the event will bring together experts, mentors, investors, renowned coaches and startups in Barcelona on a networking and international capital platform.

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Andorra Telecom, the first company in the country to join the charitable collection system

By means of the micro-donation channel promoted by Univers Bomosa and Worldcoo. The projects to which the donations will be assigned is the Andorran Red Cross Botiga Solidària (Charity Shop).

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Sant Ermengol wins in two of the three categories at the Micro First Lego League Andorra Telecom

The jury of the robotics competition awarded the prize to the Sant Ermengol school's science project, which also won the robot game, while the Encamp Andorran School was the winner in the values project category.

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