News filtered by date: Maig 2021

DTT will be seen in high definition early next year.

Users will need to have an HD-compatible TV or purchase a decoder to continue watching DTT.

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A project in the electric mobility sector is being installed at Andorra Telecom’s NIU facilities

Entrepreneur Carlos Álvarez has chosen the Andorra Telecom incubator to add impetus to a cutting-edge technological project that’s reached an advanced stage. Lupa, a startup that meets the needs of sustainable and economical electric mobility.

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Andorra Telecom adds new channels to all the fibre optic television packages

France Info, Gulli and BeMad, among others, are also available today in Televisió Mini, the most affordable package

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The NIU receives about twenty projects seeking to participate in the Millonario Master Minds

The Andorra Telecom incubator has begun the process of evaluating and selecting the projects, which will end in the first fortnight of June.

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