News filtered by date: Juny 2021

Eight numbers from Andorra Telecom’s Social SMS are awarded to NGOs in the country.

Eight associations (AMMA, Aigua de Coco, Cooperand, the Red Cross, Gossos, the Association for Local Development, Trana and the Private Protection Foundation of Andorra will receive a three-digit number to finance their projects

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The 4M, Com tu, AVJip and AVFrankies teams win the final of the WRO Andorra Telecom

Two Andorran teams and two from La Seu d’Urgell were the winners of the seventh prestigious robotics competition held this morning in Andorra.

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Eight teams will compete in the seventh final of the World Robotic Olympiad Andorra Telecom.

The responsible use of energy resources is the concept to be worked on in the different challenges this year.

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A project that combines Food Experience with robotics and AI will be accelerated via the NIU

Macco Robotics specialises in robotising the gastronomic sector, specifically catering, hospitality, etc.

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Andorra Telecom begins activating voice in HD for mobile phone customers. The new service will offer better sound quality, rapid

The “social robots” arrive at Andorra Telecom’s NIU Entrepreneur Roberto Menéndez is joining the NIU with a fully Plug & Play project and artificial intelligence.

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Els “robots socials” arriben al NIU d’Andorra Telecom

L’emprenedor Roberto Menéndez s’instal·la al NIU amb un projecte Plug&Play 100% i amb intel·ligència artificial.

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A high-tech publishing project, the NIU’s new startup

Via Andorra Telecom’s NIU entrepreneur Miquel Huguet is promoting Heritage Recovery Artech, an innovative initiative in a traditional sector.

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