News filtered by tag: blockchain

An NIU start-up uses blockchain to certify natural stone used in construction

Petracoin proposes software for use by factories and quarries that guarantees the authenticity of the origin of raw materials aimed at the final consumer

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Andorra Telecom will begin to roll-out 5G next summer

Jordi Nadal reports on the company’s pilot trial at the opening ceremony of Company Conference Day, dedicated to the digital transformation of commerce

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Andorra Telecom signs an agreement with a major Spanish Blockchain consortium

Alastria, which groups together companies and start-ups from the neighbouring country, is offering its network and collaboration with the NIU in entrepreneurship and use case programmes

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Collaboration Agreement for a Blockchain Accelerator from Silicon Valley and the NiU

Andorran projects will be able to opt for the support of ProteumX, which will identify projection start-ups based on this technology, operating from its headquarters in Barcelona.

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Andorra innovates academic degrees through blockchain certification

Actua, the Government of Andorra, Andorra Telecom and FEDA are working on practical applications using this technology

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