News filtered by tag: robotics

Three teams are to represent Andorra in the Spanish WRO final

The competition was held this week in a rather different format due to COVID-19

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A more limited version of the Andorra WRO robotics competition will be held with no audience

Four teams will take part in an event to be held over two days to ensure compliance with social distancing measures required due to the COVID-19 crisis

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Nine teams will play a Lego League focused on the future challenges facing citie

Andorra's secondary schools and denominational schools take part in the robotics competition on January 29th

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The Nottingham Prisas team did outstandingly well at the WRO Andorra Telecom

They took part in the competition held at Professional Training Centres in Andorra, the Seu d'Urgell, Olot and Barcelona

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Record enrolment in the fifth instalment of the Andorra Telecom WRO competition

A total of 27 teams, comprising about eighty young people, will participate in the robotics competition, now involving teams from Seu d’Urgell.

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Début with three consecutive wins by Sant Ermengol in the Lego League

They came out top in the robotics challenge and in the scientific and values projects.

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More schools and more teams at the Micro First Lego League

The robotics competition will be held on 19 December with a record number of participants

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Good performances by Andorran teams in the WRO Spanish final

The teams finished in well-deserved eighth and tenth positions in the competition, which was held in Platja d’Aro

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