News filtered by tag: sponsorship

The latest update for the mobile app is available as of today

Massenat and Todorovic are joining a competitive club which has the support of Andorra Telecom

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A high profile debut with Andorra Telecom

Colton Iverson, the new BC Morabanc Andorra player, is convinced that he will be able to make his debut against Madrid on Saturday

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Andorra Telecom renews its trust in BC MoraBanc Andorra

The telecommunications operators strengthens its presence in the Poliesportiu d’Andorra in Endesa League and Eurocup matches

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Andorra Telecom commits itself to the connectivity and safety of the Ultra Trail

A total of 270 markers will guarantee the geolocation of the riders taking part in this demanding race

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A web from OBSA and the Andorran Government provides information on buildings to promote the use of solar energy

A telematic tool will allow individuals to check their roofs’ capacity for generating solar energy

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The Misterloop and Onestar teams win the finals of the Andorra Telecom WRO

Jordi Nadal stresses that robotics competitions not only encourage innovation and technology among students, but also associated values such as creativity, teamwork and the culture of endeavour.

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