News filtered by tag: the cloud

Andorra Telecom completes the renovation work at its Avinguda Meritxell site

A sign with the word “Andorra” in large letters, a pool of water and a small bridge are the main features

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Tuesday 24 de July de 2018

Andorra Telecom will embellish the plot and streets adjacent to the area where The Cloud building is to be built

The company's Board of Directors analyses the latest events and requests new reports on the project

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Tuesday 27 de March de 2018

Andorra Telecom seeks tenders for the construction of The Cloud

The Board of Directors gives the green light to the national “turnkey” competition. Construction companies will have a period of twelve weeks to submit their bids

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Andorra Telecom tenders the demolition of the Avinguda Meritxell building

The work shall be carried out in accordance with the LEED Gold environmental certification so as to reduce the impact of noise, dust and vibrations, thus minimising their effect on transit and passers-by

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