News filtered by tag: cybersecurity

Teens learn to detect and react to the dangers of the net

The Conand Cybersecurity Conference, with the support of Andorra Telecom, devotes its first two days to training and awareness-raising of schoolchildren

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The Conand Cybersecurity Conference to devote two days to student awareness.

The second edition is to be held from 5 to 8 February at the Andorra la Vella Convention Centre with the participation of renowned specialists in the field.

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Andorra Telecom and ISACA organize a seminar on quantum computing and cybersecurity

The event will include two conferences and a round table of experts, a chance to evaluate the great opportunities offered by this revolutionary technology

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Success of the fourth edition of the Business Forum

More than 150 people attended a conference organised by Andorra Telecom on the future challenges facing companies today

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Andorra Telecom Participates in a European Forum on Cybersecurity

Chief Security Officer, Cesar Marquina, opens a round table with international experts with his talk on the collaboration between the public and private sectors.

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Andorra Telecom launches an anti-hacking service to protect companies and institutions

It will provide monitoring, detection and mitigation of DDoS attacks. This is the first in a series of security products that the telecommunications operator will be putting on the market in 2017 and 2018.

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