Andorra Telecom

Success of the fourth edition of the Business Forum
Tuesday 26 de September de 2017

Success of the fourth edition of the Business Forum

More than 150 people attended a conference organised by Andorra Telecom on the future challenges facing companies today

The hosts of the Andorra Telecom Business Forum were very pleased with the development of the seminar that focused on digitalization, customer satisfaction and security. About one hundred and fifty people attended the different speeches over the course of the morning', which concluded with a lunch that centred upon the exchange of viewpoints and further discussion of the Forum's contents.

The General Manager of Andorra Telecom, Jordi Nadal, opened the seminar by stressing the need for companies to adapt to the new "digital culture", and look at customer relations in a "different ecosystem" resulting from "the very swift changes that we are seeing".

Nadal referred to the role Andorra Telecom has to play in order to encourage the digitalization of society. He expressly mentioned the change to fibre optics to prepare the network to face the challenges of the future. "It is a solid base on which companies can build their own digital platforms". In this regard, he expressed satisfaction with the results of the new network, enjoyed by two out of three users , and thanked the company's customers for their help and understanding.

Nadal also mentioned the creation of the Niu company incubator/accelerator by Andorra Telecom to encourage the founding and growth of start-ups within the digital ecosystem.

The senior manager of Deloitte, Andrés Martínez, gave a talk on the need for companies to use the tools digitalization offers in order to optimise customer experience. The expert pointed out how improved consumer perception leads to additional customers, increased sales, lower customer loss rates, reduced costs, and greater information available to our customers.

Marcelo Manta, entrepreneurial development manager of innovative solutions for the telecommunications industry and the media for Spain and Latin America at Accenture, spoke in depth about the digital transformation, giving several examples. Mr. Manta defended the need to adapt all the company's business processes to digitalization with the maximum agility, from the change of its work culture to the sale of its products and services.

The day came to a close with three speeches on cybersecurity, from three members of the Andorra Telecom security team. The Director of Security and Control, Cèsar Marquina, made an analysis of the current state of cybercrime. "In the world today, there are 14 victims of such attacks per second," reported Mr. Marquina, who also alerted to the risks implied in digitalization, the Internet of Things and data storage, from the perspective that by 2020 there will be 46,000 million connected devices.

David Julián, engineer in Security and Fraud, warned of the impact that data leaks may have on companies, and made an overview of the national level of exposure to such attacks. He talked of the detection of over a hundred critical company services that could only be secure if accessible internally, but which in fact are open to the Internet, and thus can be accessed from anywhere in the world. The talk included several practical tips that could be taken to reinforce security mechanisms, such as training, awareness, data encryption, detection, and so on.

Enric Casteller, manager of Internet Access, Connectivity and Operations Security, presented the options available to companies in terms of protection, insisting on the need to work more intently on detection and mitigation through security platforms. Mr. Castellet made specific reference to services to mitigate DDOS attacks, clean lines, URL filters and firewalls, information which he described with practical examples.

The director of Customer Relations of Andorra Telecom, Josep Vilana, made a very positive assessment of the outcome of the Forum, both in the number of attendees and the receptivity of the businesspeople in the audience. Mr. Vilana pointed out that the conference had consolidated itself as a veritable meeting point between the company and its business customers.

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