News filtered by category: Diversification

Four Andorra Telecom NIU startups will take part in the Millonario Master Minds international business summit

Three startups will participate in the Pitch Sessions format and one, Futura Vive, will be presented as a success story.

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A project that combines Food Experience with robotics and AI will be accelerated via the NIU

Macco Robotics specialises in robotising the gastronomic sector, specifically catering, hospitality, etc.

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Andorra Telecom begins activating voice in HD for mobile phone customers. The new service will offer better sound quality, rapid

The “social robots” arrive at Andorra Telecom’s NIU Entrepreneur Roberto Menéndez is joining the NIU with a fully Plug & Play project and artificial intelligence.

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Els “robots socials” arriben al NIU d’Andorra Telecom

L’emprenedor Roberto Menéndez s’instal·la al NIU amb un projecte Plug&Play 100% i amb intel·ligència artificial.

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A high-tech publishing project, the NIU’s new startup

Via Andorra Telecom’s NIU entrepreneur Miquel Huguet is promoting Heritage Recovery Artech, an innovative initiative in a traditional sector.

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A project in the electric mobility sector is being installed at Andorra Telecom’s NIU facilities

Entrepreneur Carlos Álvarez has chosen the Andorra Telecom incubator to add impetus to a cutting-edge technological project that’s reached an advanced stage. Lupa, a startup that meets the needs of sustainable and economical electric mobility.

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The NIU receives about twenty projects seeking to participate in the Millonario Master Minds

The Andorra Telecom incubator has begun the process of evaluating and selecting the projects, which will end in the first fortnight of June.

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A start-up to promote the digital transformation of the real estate sector enters Andorra Telecom's NIU

Entrepreneur Xavi Camacho starts working from the Andorra Telecom business incubator/accelerator to give a boost to Pictour, a platform based on 360º virtual tours

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