Andorra Telecom

A project that combines Food Experience with robotics and AI will be accelerated via the NIU
Wednesday 16 de June de 2021

A project that combines Food Experience with robotics and AI will be accelerated via the NIU

Macco Robotics specialises in robotising the gastronomic sector, specifically catering, hospitality, etc.

Today, Victor Martin, CEO of Macco Robotics, presented the new startup that is housed on Andorra Telecom’s NIU during a remote press conference. This is a proposal that provides a solution for the demand that has grown exponentially during the COVID-19 pandemic in the hospitality sector.

“The need for contactless delivery and ensuring both safety and a good customer experience have increased the demands for our robots”, explained Martin. Robots which, in the words of the CEO of Macco Robotics, “prepare and serve food and drinks, carry orders from the kitchen to the counter or table, disinfect spaces, etc.” With this technology, Martin added, collaborative and effective automation between robots and other devices is achieved. The startup also points out that robots are not here to take away jobs but to enable people to stop doing repetitive tasks and start doing others that provide greater value.

Miquel Gouarré, the Manager of the NIU, in addition to welcoming the new startup, remarked that one of the strengths of the solution offered by Macco Robotics “is that it can collect a large amount of data in relation to the business and service, data that is of great value for the decision-making of the establishment.”

This is a project that has received a large number of awards, including those presented by the Rotary Club (2019), La Razón, the Luz Award (2016) and the European Award for Business Management and Innovation (AEEC).

What led Victor Martin to move to Andorra Telecom’s NIU was mainly to complete the financing phase so as to continue growing and supplying the extremely high demand there is at the moment, one which is expected to increase in the coming years.

Marta Ambor, Coordinator of Andorra Telecom’s NIU, has reported that on the 18 June this startup will take part in the Andorra Business Market in partnership with the NIU, and it will be a candidate for participation in the Millonario Master Minds business summit to be held at the Hilton Hotel in Barcelona on the 17 and 18 July.

As a result of this, there are now five startups that have become part of the Andorra Telecom incubator / accelerator ecosystem in 2021.

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