Andorra Telecom

Andorra Telecom begins activating voice in HD for mobile phone customers. The new service will offer better sound quality, rapid
Tuesday 15 de June de 2021

Andorra Telecom begins activating voice in HD for mobile phone customers. The new service will offer better sound quality, rapid

The “social robots” arrive at Andorra Telecom’s NIU Entrepreneur Roberto Menéndez is joining the NIU with a fully Plug & Play project and artificial intelligence.

To provide a service as an assistance and information point to shops, restaurants, hotels and health centres. This is the purpose of the first social robot to arrive in Andorra with the help of Futura Vive and Andorra Telecom’s NIU.

“The robot we’ve designed and built is autonomous, it moves and it can interact with people through voice and a touch screen, as well as by means of facial recognition”, highlighted Roberto Menéndez, CEO of Futura Vive, during today’s online appearance to the press for the presentation of the new startup set to form part of the NIU. Another feature of this project is that it’s been designed for people with no knowledge or experience of programming or robotics.

Menéndez explained that the uses of the robot include different areas within the service sector, including catering, hospitality, events, business, health and trade. The robot has several central processing systems and different artificial intelligence algorithms that help it to understand the customers of any kind of business. “The automation of repetitive tasks represents one of the major opportunities for the robotics industry, which isn’t here to take away jobs, but to complement and improve the customer experience”, stated Menéndez.

As for Miquel Gouarré, he emphasised that this is “a project that combines technology based on artificial intelligence with robotics and it plays a highly important social role. This makes it a project in keeping with the NIU’s philosophy.” Gouarré clarified that “although this is a mature project, it has entered a new phase of development, resulting in it needing funding.” Through the NIU it will be able to apply to its network of investors, business angels and venture capital, besides participating in some fund-raising events to which the NIU has access.

In this regard, Marta Ambor, Coordinator of Andorra Telecom’s NIU, has confirmed that this startup will be presented at the Business Market Andorra forum organised by Andorra Business on the 18 June.

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