Andorra Telecom

A project in the electric mobility sector is being installed at Andorra Telecom’s NIU facilities
Tuesday 25 de May de 2021

A project in the electric mobility sector is being installed at Andorra Telecom’s NIU facilities

Entrepreneur Carlos Álvarez has chosen the Andorra Telecom incubator to add impetus to a cutting-edge technological project that’s reached an advanced stage. Lupa, a startup that meets the needs of sustainable and economical electric mobility.

The startup has currently defined three vehicle models, the compact E26, the E66 and the E137, a van and an SUV and it’s working in line with the forecast that the E26 model will be available on the market by the end of 2023. One of the value propositions offered by Lupa will be the option of being able to purchase the vehicle with or without batteries. Batteries that can be easily mounted on any other model of the brand at affiliated workshops.

Lupa CEO Carlos Álvarez, together with Isaac Soro, the business developer, presented their project to the media this morning accompanied by Miquel Gouarré and Marta Ambor, the Manager and Coordinator of Andorra Telecom’s NIU. During the presentation Álvarez emphasised that “our brand is based on three strategic principles: electric vehicles, high-quality vehicles manufactured in Europe and vehicles equipped with the latest technology.” One of Lupa’s objectives is to reduce the price of the electric vehicle as much as possible and it pledges to provide them with sufficient autonomy for most daily journeys. The startup is working on having its own production plants in Spain.

According to Álvarez, “Lupa was created with the needs of the people, to whom we must answer, in mind. Paying less than 20,000 euros for an electric vehicle with up to 300 kilometres of autonomy is one of our main objectives.”

Gouarré welcomed the startup, “which is focused on a sector that’s innovative and with great potential, one which will undergo significant growth in the coming years.” He also announced that this will be one of the startups of Andorra Telecom’s NIU which are eligible for participation in the Millonario Master Minds international business summit set to take place on 17 and 18 July in Barcelona.

The Manager of Andorra Telecom’s NIU highlighted that the incubator / accelerator not only offers startups a space to develop or revamp their projects but also a platform to present their projects to local and foreign investors. There are currently four startups housed in the incubator / accelerator and the figure is expected to double soon.

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