Andorra Telecom

Four Andorra Telecom NIU startups will take part in the Millonario Master Minds international business summit
Monday 12 de July de 2021

Four Andorra Telecom NIU startups will take part in the Millonario Master Minds international business summit

Three startups will participate in the Pitch Sessions format and one, Futura Vive, will be presented as a success story.

The Andorra Telecom NIU will present four startups at the first Millonario Master Minds international business summit to be held on 17 and 18 July in Barcelona.

Miquel Gouarré, Manager of the NIU, explained that the call to attend the Millonario Master Minds international business summit, which was launched last April, received about twenty applications and, after a selection process, the ones chosen to be presented at this event by the Andorra Telecom NIU are: MACCO ROBÒTICS, LUPA, HISTÒRIA DEL MÓN and FUTURA VIVE

MACCO, LUPA and HISTÒRIA DEL MÓN will take part in the Pitch Sessions; we should recall that these are 15-minute sessions to sell the project to a panel of investors, while FUTURA VIVE will be presented as a success story.

According to Gouarré, the balance of the call and the selection process have been highly positive and predict a successful participation by the startups presented Andorra Telecom’s incubator / accelerator.

Gouarré recalled that the aim of this event “is to promote the development of new entrepreneurs, enhance their business ideas and accelerate their growth.”

Marta Ambor, NIU’s Coordinator, explained the projects of each of the selected startups; the project of MACCO Robotics is an initiative specialised in robotising the gastronomic sector, specifically catering and hospitality, with a combination of Food Experience with robotics and artificial intelligence.

The LUPA project is geared towards the automotive sector and seeks to provide sustainable and economic mobility.

HISTÒRIA DEL MÒN presents a highly technological publishing project that uses technology to reproduce limited editions of original manuscripts in digital and facsimile formats.

Finally, FUTURA VIVE, which, with a fully Plug & Play project and artificial intelligence, uses “social robots” to serve the services sector, has been selected as a success story.

The Andorra Telecom NIU hopes to meet the objectives of its participation in this event, which are, mainly, “for entrepreneurs to be able to develop powerful networking at one of the few in-person business events organised this year, representing an excellent opportunity to reactivate one of the emerging economic engines in Europe”, as well as attracting investors’ interest in its projects.

The Millonario Master Minds has selected 50 startups from the 500 that were submitted to attend the event and a large turnout of investors, business communication leaders, business angels and employers is expected.

During the event, which will have an in-person format, several activities will be conducted simultaneously, including talks by internationally renowned experts, workshops and master classes, addressing issues such as innovation, investment, new trends, the marketing of the future, leadership and personal development.

In relation to the impact on Andorra Telecom’s NIU brought about by its participation in this event, Gouarré remarked that “not only is it an opportunity to introduce ourselves to some companies with a more global reach, but also to enter into contact in a collaborative environment with investors, mentors and authentic renowned names in innovation.”

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