Andorra Telecom

Andorra Telecom Participates in a European Forum on Cybersecurity
Friday 14 de July de 2017

Andorra Telecom Participates in a European Forum on Cybersecurity

Chief Security Officer, Cesar Marquina, opens a round table with international experts with his talk on the collaboration between the public and private sectors.

This Friday and Saturday, Cèsar Marquina, Chief Security Officer at Andorra Telecom, is taking part in the First European Cybersecurity Seminar, held in the Spanish town of Astorga.

Organised by SESCA, the Self-Employed and Small Companies Association in Europe, the forum includes the participation of experts in information security. Various aspects of cybersecurity will be analysed during the conferences and panel discussions, along with the new European data protection law, which from 25 May 2018 is anticipated to include harsh sanctions for companies who don’t protect their information.

In this regard, Marquina has indicated that international law is increasingly reinforcing the concept that companies, even the smallest ones, must ensure that the information they hold is safeguarded and, therefore, they are forced to tighten security measures to prevent it from being leaked. Marquina has stated that recent international crises have shown that it is not just a problem facing large corporations, which have internalised these problems more than others, but also for small companies, which are particularly appealing to cybercriminals.

The First European Cybersecurity Seminar will help companies reduce risks and associated liability and focus the debate on cybersecurity on the cloud, the Internet of Things or mobile attacks, among other key issues.

Protection of the Andorran Telecommunications Network

Marquina's talk revolved around the security measures implemented by Andorra Telecom to protect the Andorran telecommunications network and the characteristics of the Andorran model where, in the absence of a Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT), it is the telecommunications operator who takes on this role.

As a case study, he also presented the denial of service experienced by Andorra last summer, by a network of international cybercriminals who became the subject of a security plan coordinated by Andorra Telecom under the supervision of the Government.

Marquina, who was preceded by the talk by Juan Díez, the Project Leader at INCIBE (National Institute of Cybersecurity in Spain), lead the way in the round table titled "The Public-Private Collaboration to Strengthen Cybersecurity from a European Perspective". Other participants included the Italian CERT coordinator, Sandro Mari; digital specialist at the European Centre for International Political Economy, Martina Ferracane; Josep Jané, manager of the company Telematic; and CEO of the biotechnology company Nishibi, David Yeregui Marcos.

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