Andorra Telecom

The 10th anniversary of the analogue television switch-off
Thursday 28 de September de 2017

The 10th anniversary of the analogue television switch-off

The implementation of DTT has meant an improvement in quality and sound and the increase in the number of channels in the programme schedule

Ten years ago, Andorra became the second country in Europe, after Holland, to carry out the digital switchover, also known as the analogue television switch-off. The introduction of DTT led to improved picture and sound quality and extended the programme schedule available to a total of twenty TV channels.

The transition from the analogue signal to a digital terrestrial one occurred on 25 September 2007, with a symbolic ceremony broadcast from Pic de Carroi. The Minister for Urban Development and Town and Country Planning and President of the Andorran Telecommunications Service (STA), Xavier Jordana, was commissioned to flick the switch that opened the doors to the digital age at the end of the countdown to mark the event.

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