Andorra Telecom

Wednesday 25 de October de 2017

TP Unitas will undertake demolition of the structure of the former Andorra Telecom office building

The company awarded the contract will begin work at the end of the week following the strict criteria of the Leed Or certification to minimize inconvenience to the residents of the area

Andorra Telecom's Board of Directors has approved the tender for the demolition of the structure of the office building located at 112, Avinguda Meritxell, by the company TP Unitas for a sum of 241,785.96 euros.

The office building was the former headquarters of the commercial department of the telecommunications operator. These works form part of the The Cloud building construction project, on the plot at the junction of Avinguda Meritxell and Carrer Bonaventura Riberaygua and Carrer la Borda.

Unitas has scheduled the start of the work for the end of the week. Just as with the demolition of the Fire Station and the interiors of the same office building, throughout the process the strict criteria of the Leed Or certification will followed, to minimize the impact of the work. This regulation is intended to reduce dust, vibration and noise and the effect of the work on the movement of pedestrians and traffic to a minimum.

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