Andorra Telecom

Andorra Telecom concludes the renovation of the fibre optic network with success
Thursday 14 de December de 2017

Andorra Telecom concludes the renovation of the fibre optic network with success

A total of 35,000 terminals have been changed for individuals and companies in less than 10 months. Users have given the new network an 8 out of 10. Incidents have been reduced by 80%

This Thursday, Andorra Telecom reported the figures for the changes to Fibre Optic terminals. The general director, Jordi Nadal, and the project manager, Gerard Bosch were responsible for the presentation.

The renovation of the fibre optic network, a project of great complexity because it entailed changing the ONT in all private homes and companies, has come to an end in a record 229 days. Although initially the completion had been scheduled for the beginning of the month of January, the rapid pace has allowed us to move it forward to mid-December, concluding the last of the migrations on Monday in Canillo.

Andorra was a pioneer in providing up to 100 Mbp network access to the whole territory, and continues to be one now by carrying out a substitution process of these characteristics, now providing a 300 Mbps universal service. The reliability of the new fibre optic terminals has not just had the affect of making the browsing speed 3 times faster, but also has a major benefit in the fall of the number of incidents with the ONTs by 80%.

Andorra Telecom has used Huawei technology, the leading manufacturer in the world, which has also taken over the coordination of the technical office. The expectations of increased speed have been met as is shown by the fact that in the direct measurements of the ONT the average speed has been registered at 285 Mbps.

There has been average of 153 daily migrations, reaching a maximum of 261 in a single day. This has been possible thanks to the work of a total of 48 technicians, 15 of whom work for Andorra Telecom, the coordination work at the technical office and appointment programming by telephone, which has handled more than 150,000 calls.

In addition to changing the terminals that the customer has installed in their home, known technically as an ONT, the migration process has also affected network access with the installation of 17 central devices (OLTs in technical language) which serve the entire territory, each one serving thousands of subscribers.

The works now focus on trying to arrange an appointment with all customers that could not be contacted during the changeover process despite the fact that in the days leading up to the intervention they received a minimum of five calls and one SMS.

The director general of Andorra Telecom, Jordi Nadal, wanted to thank the customers for their collaboration in this project. “Without the good response from users, both individuals and companies, it would not have been possible to carry out such an ambitious change in such a short space of time”. The response from customers has been very positive. In the satisfaction surveys carried out once the ONT had been changed, the new network has been rated with an average mark of 8 out of 10.

During the migration process, the company has offered its customers the possibility of installing either their own router or a Huawei one, with the aim of making the most of the possibilities of the new network and facilitating the process for solving incidents. A third of the users have decided to incorporate the Andorra Telecom device, a figure very well valued by the head of the project, Gerard Bosch, as it allows us to have a significant base of customers “with a router with guaranteed compatibility, facilitating maintenance, operation and the management of incidents and providing us with the possibility to solve them remotely”.

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