Andorra Telecom

The Andorra Telecom App incorporates fingerprint access
Monday 04 de June de 2018

The Andorra Telecom App incorporates fingerprint access

iPhone users with facial recognition software can also use it for access
Andorra Telecom has added fingerprint access to its Customer Space. This technology will be available to iPhone and Android users with compatible devices. It also facilitates facial recognition in iPhones X, so the application will accept the functionality that is compatible with each device. These technologies, which Apple calls “Touch ID” and “Face ID”, will allow users easier and safer access to the private part of the App.

In order to enjoy this new function, users need to download the latest edition of the App, available in participating markets since last Friday.

Andorra Telecom’s App, which allows users to consult different products, update services and control the television decoder, has been downloaded over 20,000 times since its launch, with 12,000 unique users per month.

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