Andorra Telecom

Our app makes it possible to connect to the new television decoder
Friday 23 de August de 2019

Our app makes it possible to connect to the new television decoder

The latest update for the mobile app is available as of today
The new decoder is now compatible with the app. As of today, users who have the latest update of the app can connect to it in order to interact as they did with the previous decoder. This allows them to change channels, programme recordings and consult the programming for the last 7 days, from their mobile phone, among other features that are very popular with users.

Carles Casadevall, the company spokesperson, highlights its user-friendliness: “Users of the app have been using it intensely from the day we launched it, which proves how useful it is. Furthermore, interacting with the decoder is very simple and practical, because it allows you to programme recordings when you’re not at home and you can see the schedules for all the channels at a glance. Naturally, we have made the technical modifications needed to make it compatible with the new decoder”.

The Andorra Telecom app, which also allows you to consult your invoices and monitor your mobile phone consumption, as well as contracting television packages, has been downloaded over 30,000 times and has had approximately 180,000 monthly visits.

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C/ Prat de la Creu nº 2
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