Andorra Telecom

The ATHL Exercise app will be accelerated at the NIU
Monday 16 de September de 2019

The ATHL Exercise app will be accelerated at the NIU

The entrepreneur Albert Piñol has chosen our business incubator to promote the project, which is already at a very advanced stage
The user receives professional advice over the internet on the best physical exercises, with what is known as an online trainer. This is the function of the ATHL Exercise app, which the entrepreneur Albert Piñol Olea will accelerate at the NIU, Andorra Telecom’s start-up incubator.

On Monday, Piñol presented his project to the media, accompanied by the manager of the NIU, Miquel Gouarré. The ATHL team is made up of a doctor, a physiologist and Piñol himself, and prepares specific tables in accordance with the user’s requirements. It is completed with an IT engineer and a specialist in digital marketing.

One of the strong points of the project is that it is aimed at a broad spectrum of users of all ages, and can be a tool for people who wish to do exercise in order to improve their quality of life or on medical advice; for sportspeople who wish to improve their performance, and for companies or associations to reduce the risk of injury to their employees or members.

The business model is based on subscription to physical exercise programmes, with plans to promote it through online marketing and in companies within the insurance sector or health centres.

Gouarré welcomed this new start-up which “is aimed at a sector, in this case health and exercise, with great potential and which in the coming years will experience major growth”. The manager of the incubator commented that there are currently four companies installed in Andorra Telecom’s NIU.

For his part, Piñol commented that the NIU not only offers the start-ups a location to develop or redirect their projects, but also allows them to have specialist mentors available to drive the initiative or determine the business model.

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