Andorra Telecom

The Business Forum is dedicated to digital transformation and the customer experience
Monday 18 de September de 2017

The Business Forum is dedicated to digital transformation and the customer experience

Andorra Telecom invites businesses and individuals to attend a Conference to be held on the 26th of the month and aims to give them food for thought about the development of the market

Andorra Telecom has chosen two subjects of maximum interest for the fourth edition of the Business Forum, which are customer experience and digital transformation. The day, which will be held on September 26 at the Art Hotel in Andorra la Vella, is entitled "Digital Transformation, reinvent yourselves or die".

The Customer Relations director at Andorra Telecom, Josep Vilana, is convinced that the conferences correspond with the concerns of businesses. “A lot of businesses in the country are immersed in the debate on the need to improve the experience and perception of its users and of the potential that the use of digital technology holds for the dimensions and volume of business".

In this regard, he pointed out that the quality of the conference speakers can help attendees with valuable information, enabling them to decide which path their businesses should take.

The director general of Andorra Telecom, Jordi Nadal, will be in charge of welcoming the attendees at 9:30 in the morning. The first of the presentations, given by Andrés Martínez, senior manager of Deloitte, will be dedicated to customer experience, focusing specifically with the paradigm shift resulting from digitalization.

At 11:45, after the coffee break, it will be the turn of Marcelo Manta, head of innovative solutions in business development for the telecommunications and media industries in Spain and Latin America for Accenture, with a specific talk on digital transformation. To close the day and just before lunch it will be the turn of two security specialists from Andorra Telecom who will talk about cybersecurity. They are the director of Security and Control, Cèsar Marquina, and the head of Internet access, Connectivity and Operational Security, Enric Castellet, and the fraud and security engineer, David Julián.

Vilana highlighted that Andorra Telecom actively participate in the forums on topics of security, which are of a great concern to companies. “As a public company we have to play a role in disseminating information and encouraging awareness in society as a whole about the dangers and threats arising from incorrect or insufficient protection of IT equipment and data that companies manage and therefore, we have dedicated a space in the Forum and we also organise specific talks ", stated the director of Customer Relations.

The entrance to the Forum is free of charge but capacity is limited. Therefore, it is essential to confirm attendance via the 115 telephone number.

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