Andorra Telecom

Carlos Carneros and Arnau Ferrer win the 2nd Rubik’s Cube Tournament
Monday 27 de November de 2017

Carlos Carneros and Arnau Ferrer win the 2nd Rubik’s Cube Tournament

The absolute champion solved the classic puzzle in 8.63 seconds.

On Saturday, Carlos Carneros and Arnau Ferrer were proclaimed victors of the second edition of the Rubik’s Cube Tournament, celebrated at the Pyrénées FNAC space. The event, organized by Pyrénées and Andorra Telecom, gave two awards for the winners: an overall prize won by Carlos Carneros, who solved the 3x3x3 cube in 8.63 seconds, and an award for the best competitor from Andorra, a new category that went to Arnau Ferrer Cabanes.

A total of 58 individuals, mostly children and young people, participated in the Tournament, which is included on the international calendar of the World Cube Association (WCA). The Rubik’s Cube Club of Catalonia helped with the organization of the competition.

All participants had to solve the puzzle in its 3x3 category, but other categories were also included: Rubik’s cube (56 participants), 2x2x2 cube (48), Pyraminx (45), 4x4x4 (34), Skewb (32), one-handed 3x3x3 (31), 3x3x3 fewest moves (22), Square-1 (15), Rubik’s Clock (15) and blind 3x3x3 (12 participants).

The absolute winner took home a three-day European Smart Box, and the best national competitor took home a two-day Smart Box. The other participants also received prizes.

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