Andorra Telecom

Andorra Telecom and the Jersey operator JT sign a professional exchange agreement
Monday 11 de December de 2017

Andorra Telecom and the Jersey operator JT sign a professional exchange agreement

The two companies are both interested in collaborating in areas such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and information security

Andorra Telecom and the operator JT, formerly Jersey Telecom, signed a collaboration agreement this Monday for exchanges of staff and formation. Their cooperation programme is intended to promote the professional development of their employees and the establishment of synergies between the two companies.

The agreement was signed by the managing directors of Andorra Telecom and JT, Jordi Nadal and Graeme Millar, during the latter’s visit to Andorra. Although the framework document is general in character, some areas of special interest have been identified.

Thus Andorra Telecom has evidenced great interest in the British operator’s knowledge of networks and services in what is called the Internet of Things (IoT) and the internationalisation process in which it is involved.

For its side, JT centres attention on Andorra Telecom’s experience in the deployment of fibre optics and in information security. Precisely these questions were the theme of the working meeting held mid-morning at the Nexus building in Santa Coloma, the registered office of the Andorran company, following signature of the agreement. Millar also visited the Espic contact centre and the NIU business accelerator and incubator at La Massana.

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