Andorra Telecom

The ninth edition of the Video Game Show closes its doors with resounding public success
Sunday 18 de February de 2018

The ninth edition of the Video Game Show closes its doors with resounding public success

The organisation highlights the positive feedback received from the parallel activities aimed at raising awareness of the great career opportunities offered by a booming industry

The Andorra Telecom Video Game Show closed its doors this Sunday afternoon by exceeding the expectations of the organisers. The turnout numbering in the thousands, mostly children, teens and young adults, had the chance to play and experience the leading games and range of platforms currently available. The activities running in parallel to the Show gave these young people a chance to discover the great career opportunities offered by a growing industry that requires ever more specialised job profiles.

In drawing her conclusions, the company's event manager and CSR, Inés Martí, placed emphasis on this Show's commitment to education and job orientation, a concept which she hopes is reinforced in the coming year, which will be its tenth anniversary. "It is an annual event that is eminently entertainment-based, but we must take advantage of its power to draw in great numbers of young people in order to explain that what might be their hobby now can become a profession, such as video game developers or designers".

This approach, which took the form of workshops, round table discussions and conferences, would not have been possible, as Martí emphasised, without the direct involvement of various institutions. It was the University of Andorra which prepared a complete schedule of educational activities carried out over the three days, the French Embassy in Andorra which brought in three cutting-edge video game studios to show the latest products and projects they are working on to Andorran audiences, and the Carmen Thyssen Andorra Museum, which prepared a specific workshop. Another game development studio at the show was the Spanish firm Chloroplast Games.

Martí noted it was a great opportunity to learn first-hand from experienced and distinguished professionals such as Edgar Martín Blas Méndez, CEO and creative director of Virtual Voyagers, a company specialised in virtual reality and mixed reality.

This year's Show, following on the policy of the previous edition, expanded into new spaces such as Illa Carlemany, the University of Andorra and the World Champion Museum, despite maintaining Prat de Roure as its central venue.

From an entertainment standpoint, the e-sport competitions, which have been gaining ever more acceptance and attracting large numbers of spectators, proved remarkably popular. Martí also wanted to point out the fact that the nearly one hundred game positions available on the latest generation platforms guaranteed a great user experience, even in times of peak attendance. All in all, the face-to-face and online tournaments featured 500 participants, with the most popular being FIFA 2018, League of Legends and Call of Duty.

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