Andorra Telecom

Six teams will take part in the Andorra Telecom WRO robotics competition on Friday
Thursday 14 de June de 2018

Six teams will take part in the Andorra Telecom WRO robotics competition on Friday

The challenges proposed this year are related to world hunger and food waste
This Friday, a total of seventeen children divided into six teams will compete in the Andorra Telecom World Robot Olympiad (WRO). This is the Andorran stage of the prestigious international competition, which promotes knowledge of robotics among children from 7 to 15 years of age in a recreational manner so as to arouse their interest in technology and engineering.

The competition is divided into three categories: Start (pupils born between 2006 and 2011), Elementary (born between 2006 and 2011) and Junior (born between 2003 and 2005). The pupils, guided by a mentor and divided into teams, will have to build and program an innovative robot to overcome a challenge proposed by the organisation.

This year the chosen global theme is food waste, within the context of world hunger. The challenges proposed in each category are based on the farming and classification of agricultural products by programming robots.

The competition will be held at 4:00 pm tomorrow (Friday) at Andorra Telecom’s corporate headquarters, located in Mossèn Lluís Pujol Street in Santa Coloma.

The Andorran competition forms part of the WRO’s international schedule. The winners of the competition organised by Andorra Telecom will win a place in the final, to be held this year in the Catalan town of Platja d’Aro.

Andorra Telecom supports the promotion of robotics and innovation among children and teenagers by means of the competitions of the Micro First Lego League, bringing together teams from different schools, and the WRO, featuring robotics clubs.

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