Andorra Telecom

Successful workshop devoted to the European Regulations on Data Protection
Thursday 23 de May de 2019

Successful workshop devoted to the European Regulations on Data Protection

The seminar, organized along with ISACA, brought together around eighty professionals
This group of professionals took part in the workshop devoted to assessing the first year of application of the European Data Protection Regulation, known by its initials GDPR.

The session was organized by Andorra Telecom and the Association for Information Systems Control and Audits (Associació pel Control i l’Auditoria dels Sistemes d’Informació - ISACA) through an agreement signed by both entities.

The director of the Data Protection Agency, Joan Crespo, opened the session with a talk entitled “Implications of the GDPR for the Principality of Andorra”. Crespo underlined that the scope of the new rules extended far beyond the companies located in the territory of the community: “These regulations really do affect us, because they apply to companies in other countries who handle the data of European citizens.

The second talk was given by Ramon Miralles, Quality Director of the Ecix Group, a company specializing in technological legal support. Miralles analyzed the first year of the community regulation by highlighting the fact that Spain “had received 14,000 complaints and nearly a thousand reports of security vulnerabilities”.

Jordi Celades, director of the security area of Andorra Telecom, gave the closing conference, entitled “And once the incident has happened? Are you ready?”. This specialist stressed that a study of the data must make it possible to define the response process and the internal protocols. He also highlighted the need to safeguard contracts with suppliers, protection measures and team training.

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