Andorra Telecom

Andorra Telecom installs Internet for 33 students to enable them to follow their classes online
Monday 23 de March de 2020

Andorra Telecom installs Internet for 33 students to enable them to follow their classes online

The measure was taken in the wake of the Ministry of Education's initiative to ensure students' connectivity during the lockdown period

The collaboration between the Ministry of Education and Higher Learning and Andorra Telecom has enabled a total of 33 students to gain internet access so that they can follow their classes remotely. The measure was taken in the wake of the lockdown for the country’s schoolchildren, and to ensure that every family has a connection in order to make it possible to continue the course using online tools.

This initiative has been supplemented by the Ministry of Education assigning digital tablets to those students who don’t have them, in order to guarantee them access to digital teaching materials.

Secondary education, baccalaureate and vocational training centres have organised their teaching activity with the computer tools they already use on a regular basis and in accordance with a schedule agreed with the educational team. In primary schools, activities will be shared via email or on the centre's website.

The Managing Director of Andorra Telecom, Jordi Nadal, has emphasised that the Internet allows learning to continue despite being confined at home. "This situation shows us the usefulness of technology to help people to communicate. In this case, connectivity not only enables remote working, but also enables the school course syllabus to continue being taught," said Nadal.

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