Andorra Telecom

The campaign to end printed invoices means saving 6.9 tonnes of paper
Thursday 09 de May de 2019

The campaign to end printed invoices means saving 6.9 tonnes of paper

Most customers check their bills using digital means such as e-mail, the app or the customer section of the website
Andorra Telecom sent out an average of 36,152 bills every month in 2017. This amount has been reduced to 580 as a result of the campaign to do away with printed invoices in 2017.

One year after putting the plan into effect, it’s time to take stock. The campaign has enabled us to save 6.9 tonnes of paper, which is the equivalent of around a hundred trees. “We’re talking about nearly a million sheets every year, and half a million envelopes. This is a significant amount”, said Jordi Nadal, the CEO of Andorra Telecom.

This campaign has three goals: to reduce the environmental impact, reduce costs for the company and encourage the use of digital platforms.

Andorra Telecom offered customers the option of continuing to receive a printed invoice. This is free for customers aged over 65, while younger customers would pay a monthly cost of 1 euro.  Today we continue to send printed bills to 580 homes and company offices, 458 of which are registered to retirees.

Jordi Nadal made this announcement in the press conference held on Thursday with Silvia Calvó, the Minister of the Environment and Sustainability, to present the Clean Up Day campaign. Andorra Telecom is taking part in this event by providing commemorative T-shirts for the young people who take part as volunteers in the cleaning operations. “We’re very happy to take part in this activity, which is in perfect harmony with our corporate social responsibility policy aimed at teaching and raising awareness among young people.”, Nadal said. The T-shirts are paid for from the money received from customers who want to continue receiving printed invoices.

More than 830 children from 13 schools in the Principality took part in a grand effort to clean up the country’s natural areas on Friday as part of the “Let's Clean Up Europe” campaign.

This was the first time that all the parishes in the country took part in this campaign, which was set up by a number of non-profit organisations in different European countries, including schools.

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