Andorra Telecom

A high profile debut with Andorra Telecom
Thursday 01 de February de 2018

A high profile debut with Andorra Telecom

Colton Iverson, the new BC Morabanc Andorra player, is convinced that he will be able to make his debut against Madrid on Saturday

On Thursday, Andorra Telecom, as the sponsor of BC MoraBanc Andorra, hosted the presentation of the team’s latest signing, American center Colton Iverson. Corporate spokesman Carles Casadevall was given the task of welcoming the player. “Andorra has a similar climate to Minnesota. You'll be fine here,” he said, which brought a smile from the player.

Iverson, a 2.13 m tall center with experience in the Endesa League and the Euroleague, emphasized that this is a “very talented team, which has every chance of fighting to reach the play-off” and is confident that he will be able to make his debut on Saturday against Real Madrid.

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