Andorra Telecom

Andorra is among the leading European countries when it comes to Internet use
Monday 09 de July de 2018

Andorra is among the leading European countries when it comes to Internet use

94.5% of homes have access to the internet and 91.6% of the population have connected in the last three months
The Department of Statistics has today released the first official data on equipment and the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), collected in cooperation with Andorra Telecom, and which places Andorra among the leading European countries when it comes to Internet access. This survey is included in the provisions of the Law of the 2018-2021 Statistics Plan and its deployment in the first Statistical Programme for the year 2018.

The survey collects information on ICT product equipment, to what extent and how it is used, with special focus on the use of computers, access to and use of the Internet, online administration, e-commerce and people's digital literacy. It also includes a special module focusing on minors between 10 and 15 years old, in order to find out about usage and technological equipment available to this group.

Among the main results, it is observed that 94.5% of homes have access to the Internet and that 91.6% of the population have used the Internet in the last three months, of which 95.8% connect on daily basis. Additionally, three out of four minors between the ages of 10 and 15 have a mobile phone and 36.3% have access to mobile data.

40.4% of the people who used the Internet in the last year carried out some online procedures using websites set up by the public administration. Half of those who have used the internet at least once made an online purchase and 31.1% did so within the last three months.

In relation to the average figures for the European Union, Andorra stands out in particular for access to and use of the Internet by the population. It is the second country where mobile phones are most used to connect to the Internet, the third country with the highest percentage of people connecting to the Internet on a daily basis, the seventh country when it comes to homes with Internet access and the tenth country with the highest percentage of people who have connected to the Internet within the last three months. In contrast, data from Andorra shows lower figures than the European average for use of e-commerce and for use of online administration.

The coordinator of the Department of Statistics, Enric Ripoll, and the spokesman for Andorra Telecom, Carles Casadevall, explained that the data includes a survey of 600 homes (where at least one person is between 16 and 74 years old) and 584 residents between 16 and 74 (in addition to around one hundred minors between 10 and 15 years old), constituting approved statistics according to the standards for official European statistics, in a manner which allows the international comparison of results

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