Andorra Telecom

The public reaffirms its confidence in Saló del Videojoc, the video game show in its tenth edition
Sunday 24 de February de 2019

The public reaffirms its confidence in Saló del Videojoc, the video game show in its tenth edition

Fifty players were able to play three matches of Fortnite, the fashionable cross-platform game, with the popular youtuber LOLiTO
Sharing a match of Fortnite, the popular cross-platform survival game, with a specialist such as the Andorra-resident youtuber LOLiTO is a real treat. Fifty players had the chance to enjoy the experience thanks to an invitation to Saló del Videojoc, the Andorra Telecom video game show.

The match took place on Sunday, the closing day. The top fifty finishers in the Fortnite Championship held at the show received an invitation to join the matches with LOLiTO, one of the current youtuber stars with more than five million followers. Most of the lucky participants did so from the play points set up at the show, while others connected to the event from home. The top 12 also shared a team with the popular youtuber. Proof of Fortnite's success is that it was offered in 34 of the 99 available game points.

The show was at its best to celebrate its tenth edition. Along with Fortnite and youtuber LOLiTO, the features included the parallel training sessions held in conjunction with the University of Andorra aimed at disseminating the opportunities offered by the emerging video game industry.

The event closed its doors on Sunday afternoon, meeting the expectations set by the organisation. Thousands of people, mostly children, teenagers and young adults, had the opportunity to play and try out the main games on the market and the different platforms.

The area of Andorra Telecom destined to promoting its new 700 Mbps fibre optics package was one of the most popular. The Formula 1 simulator, made out of the chassis of an authentic Formula 1 Renault car, covered a total of 1,800 km over the course of the three-day show. This attraction was produced by the Andorran company Sim Racing, which creates professional driving simulators.

The company's head of events and CSR, Inés Martí, expressed her satisfaction with the outcome of the tenth edition of the show. "The public that has come in over these three days has been very satisfied with the show". Martí noted that the competitions, which began in the middle of last month, had a total of 460 participants.

The show also featured for the first time a company that offers products from the world of video games, The directors made very a positive assessment of the direct contact with users that an event of these characteristics allows. "Not only is it useful for seeing how much interest there is in what we offer, but it will allow us to add the products they have asked us for to the catalogue", they underscored.

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