Andorra Telecom

Over 4,500 people now have the new decoder
Wednesday 08 de May de 2019

Over 4,500 people now have the new decoder

Users can enjoy free access to Movistar+ Total Plus until the end of June
The change of decoders for the TV service has started at a very high pace. The swapping points we have set up, such as the Illa Carlemany, FNAC Pyrenées, our own offices and the “Road Box” travelling van, which is currently on the Rotonda bridge, have been dealing with over 600 users every day. There are currently 4,500 users who have the new decoders and remote controls.

The spokesman for Andorra Telecom, Carles Casadevall, has confirmed that customers are happy with the change: “The new decoder is easier to use than the previous one, and nearly all the channels have been available over the last 7 days. The option to have open access to all programmes until the end of July has also speeded up the replacement process”.

The process of replacing the devices is going very smoothly, considering the enormous number of people waiting, thanks to the distribution of the swapping points: “We wanted to make the process as easy as possible, so we set up a number of service points. Users can change their device at Illa Carlemany and FNAC Pyrenées until the end of the month, and in the company’s mobile caravan that will visit the various parishes.

These 4,500 customers represent around 35% of the homes using the Andorra Telecom service. If the campaign can keep this rhythm up, we should have made 100% of the replacements in the next two months.

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