Andorra Telecom

Ordino takes stock of the operation of Andorra Telecom’s cloud
Monday 03 de June de 2019

Ordino takes stock of the operation of Andorra Telecom’s cloud

Ordino takes stock of the operation of Andorra Telecom’s cloud
Ordino takes stock of the operation of Andorra Telecom’s cloud
The parish council is very satisfied with the advantages and savings that working from the cloud provides.
The transfer of the Ordino Commune's computer platform to Andorra Telecom’s cloud has been rated as a success. The councillor of Administration, Communication and Commerce, Xavier Herver, appeared before the media on Monday to take stock of the first three months of operation.

"Eliminating the servers has brought a number of advantages to the computer service, considerably reducing the tasks of maintaining the hardware system, with the consequent dedication to other value-added projects", stressed the Ordino councillor, who was accompanied by Josep Vilana, Andorra Telecom’s Business Manager.

Among the benefits of transferring the platform to Andorra Telecom’s cloud, he cites a " a connectivity that is 100% satisfactory" and "an optimal latency time". Herver emphasised that it has also been a qualitative leap in terms of security, due to the improvement of technical conditions and firewalls, which are "much more powerful than those we have".

"Contracting the cloud has led to a significant reduction in software and hardware maintenance, and this has gone from being an investment item to a service that is paid according to consumption, in this case the space occupied, in addition to being scalable in the future, "concluded the representative of the Ordino Parish Council.

Vilana, meanwhile, expressed the company’s satisfaction with the excellent rapport with the Parish Council throughout the implementation process. "An increasing number of companies and authorities are evaluating the benefits of the cloud, which offers a flexible and customised solution for all customers," he stated.


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