Andorra Telecom

We are improving the landscape by running overhead optic fibre lines underground
Wednesday 21 de August de 2019

We are improving the landscape by running overhead optic fibre lines underground

We will remove 48 telephone poles and 1,300 metres of cable in the village of Escàs
This Thursday, Andorra Telecom has begun removing telephone poles in the village of Escàs (la Massana) by running the optic fibre installation underground, as part of the project it began more than 2 years ago. This work, which is part of the operator’s environmental projects, aims to reduce their visual impact. It will also simplify maintenance and prevent potential service stoppages as a result of trees falling on the lines.

In total, we will dismantle 1,329 metres of cable and 48 poles. All of this will go underground, improving environmental quality and the urban landscape.

According to Josep Vilana, of the Customer department, in order to carry out this work “we conducted an environmental impact study, which showed us where to run the lines underground, without having to cut down any trees.” The dismantling of the cables and the poles and the running of the lines underground has been carried out in accordance with the guidelines of the Government’s Environmental department.

Three years ago this work was carried out in the village of Fontaneda, where the entire optic fibre installation was run underground.

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