Andorra Telecom

We broadcast Eurocup MoraBanc matches
Tuesday 01 de October de 2019

We broadcast Eurocup MoraBanc matches

These matches will be included in the platform selection package on our television platform
Andorra Telecom will broadcast the MoraBanc Andorra Eurocup matches this season. Negotiations with DAZN, the company that owns the broadcasting rights for the competition, have made it possible to reach a last minute agreement to broadcast the matches that the Andorran team plays this season in the European competition.

To be able to watch the MoraBanc Andorra matches in the Eurocup, users must have the Movistar+ Selection package (which also includes all Endesa League matches). Available on the 214 dial starting from Tuesday afternoon. Remember that the decoder must be restarted in order to tune into this new channel, which will only be broadcast when MoraBanc Andorra are playing.

First match this Tuesday: a pilot test

Moreover, it should be noted that the first match tomorrow against A.S. Monaco will be broadcast in "pilot test" mode, since the technical adjustments that these types of broadcasts involve will be made in real time and may lead to unforeseen events, given that there is no prior broadcast that would allow the display to be configured.

The signal received by the telecommunications company will be in English only. For this reason, with the collaboration of Andorra Radio and Television, the company has established a connection with Andorra National Radio’s audio services in order to be able to follow these matches in Catalan. This connection, however, will require adjustments in the broadcast "delay", which may take a few minutes at the beginning of the matches.

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