Andorra Telecom

The local government office presents Ordino WIFI 2.0
Tuesday 15 de October de 2019

The local government office presents Ordino WIFI 2.0

It will be a free access open network that covers much of the town
On Tuesday, the Councillor of Administration, Communication and Commerce of the local government of Ordino, Xavier Herver, submitted Ordino WIFI 2.0, a network with a unique, free access that will be launched in early 2020.

The network will cover the old town, Prat de Call square and all public buildings: the local government administrative building, Casa comuna vella, Casa de la Muntanya (all three on the carrer Major); the La Font building (Casa Pairal and Punt Jove); educational facilities (La Capsa, ludoescola and library), and the Sports Centre. In this case, the existing Wi-Fi is improved, just as it will be in the library. It will also cover the four bus stops in the town.

Xavier Herver, accompanied by the head of Andorra Telecom Companies, Josep Vilana, has highlighted the pioneering character of the initiative and "the commitment to the most innovative services" from the telecommunications operator.

Herver stressed that "The goal is to offer more service to citizens, but also to allow tourists to be able to interact and share posts from wherever they are."

Vilana, meanwhile, explained that there will be a bandwidth of 700 Mbps with 10 access points.

The aim is to launch the network in early 2020 with about 12 weeks of implementation. 

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