Andorra Telecom

The new set-top boxes and the high-speed internet service are a success
Thursday 09 de January de 2020

The new set-top boxes and the high-speed internet service are a success

Our spokesperson takes stock of 2019 and gives us a preview of this year's developments
This Thursday Andorra Telecom spokesman, Carlos Casadevall, summarised the main commercial initiatives developed by the company in 2019.

Casadevall expressed his satisfaction with the campaign for renewing decoders for the television platform. He reported that 13,200 users have successfully switched to the new devices, and that currently only around 385 requests for new decoders and our high-speed internet service are still pending.

These cases are for a number of different reasons, the spokesman explained. ‘Some are for people with second homes, some customers haven’t yet been located, and in some cases the devices are waiting to be collected.

The response to the new television platform has been very positive, as evidenced by the fact that we've gained 400 new customers over the year, bringing the total to 14,000. What has improved a great deal is the user experience - which is now easier to navigate, and has a much more intuitive interface plus a new Bluetooth remote control. And we’ve extended the opportunities to catch up on programmes missed over the last seven days’.

Another of the most recent developments is the 700 mbps internet access, which in just over a year has been contracted by 2,300 customers, 1,300 of whom are residential. ‘They've found real value in having 700 mbps available at home. These are people who usually have lots of devices and multiple access points, and who see advantages in having this type of connectivity’.

Casadevall also took advantage of the press event to announce some projects planned for 2020. Among these is a comprehensive WiFi service that will provide maximum coverage inside the home, and will be piloted over the coming weeks. The service includes a home visit and the installation of access points.

However, the most ambitious project will be the pilot testing of the new 5G generation of mobile telephony. Casadevall also explained that this year should see a definitive boost for the Internet of Things, a network with coverage in all areas of the country and which allows low-consumption devices and sensors to be connected.

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