Andorra Telecom

Support for companies that need it with a six-month deferral of payments on their telecommunications bill
Monday 16 de March de 2020

Support for companies that need it with a six-month deferral of payments on their telecommunications bill

The measure is aimed at protecting the production network from the economic consequences of the COVID-19 crisis

Andorra Telecom will allow companies to defer payment of their telecommunications bill for six months without interest if they need to - a measure included in the Government's package of initiatives aimed at supporting the production network in order to alleviate the economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic.

This support measure will be applied to bills from this month until the coronavirus crisis has ended.

Contacta amb nosaltres

C/ Prat de la Creu nº 2
AD500 Andorra la Vella
De 9h a 19h (de dilluns a divendres)
De 9h a 14h (dissabtes)
Servei d’atenció al client
Truca’ns al 115,
o al (+376) 301 115 si ets a l’estranger.
De 8h a 23h (de dilluns a diumenge).
En cas de pèrdua o robatori d’un terminal mòbil, l’horari és de 24 hores tots els dies de la setmana.
Despatx seu social
875 000
De 8h a 18h (de dilluns a dijous).
De 8h a 15h (divendres).
Informació telefònica
nacional i internacional

Preu de la trucada 2 € d'establiment i 0,26 € per minut.
De 8h a 24h (de dilluns a diumenge).