Andorra Telecom

SMS number 828 will raise funds to help cope with the effects of the coronavirus
Thursday 26 de March de 2020

SMS number 828 will raise funds to help cope with the effects of the coronavirus

Each message sent will involve a direct contribution of two euros for the acquisition of medical equipment and the provision of support services for vulnerable groups

The government and Andorra Telecom launched SMS number 828 this Thursday, which aims to raise funds to combat the effects of COVID-19. Citizens who wish to make a donation can send an SMS to this number with the word "ajuda” (“help"), and in this way make a donation of 2 euros. This money will be used by the administration to "pay for medical supplies or to help the groups most at risk, such as the elderly or people with specific conditions that make them more vulnerable", as stated by government spokesperson Eric Jover.

The government has articulated various ways to respond to the citizens, associations and companies who have contacted them in order to offer financial support. "They know that the state's resources are finite and that there are many needs", explained Jover. In addition to the SMS number, specific support accounts have been opened at every bank in the country "in response to this flow of solidarity from citizens and the business community".

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C/ Prat de la Creu nº 2
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Preu de la trucada 2 € d'establiment i 0,26 € per minut.
De 8h a 24h (de dilluns a diumenge).