Andorra Telecom

Andorra Telecom is also handing over the Endesa League advertising to Andorra Turisme
Monday 15 de June de 2020

Andorra Telecom is also handing over the Endesa League advertising to Andorra Turisme

We support ​​MoraBanc’s idea to maximise the promotion of Andorra as a tourist destination.

Andorra Telecom will hand over digital advertising spaces for the final phase of the Endesa League to Andorra Turisme. In this way, the telecommunications company follows in the footsteps of ​​MoraBanc, aiming to achieve maximum impact in promoting tourism in Andorra.

Carles Casadevall, company spokesperson, explains that they were in no doubt that this is the best option at the moment: “We saw ​​MoraBanc’s idea and didn’t hesitate to follow their initiative and hand over all digital advertising in order to promote Andorra as a tourist destination. Now more than ever it's time to be a team player, and try to maximise the country's promotional impact”.

For her part, the Director of Marketing and Communication at Andorra Turisme, Noemí Pedra, commented that “on behalf of Andorra Turisme, I’d like to thank Andorra Telecom for also joining this initiative, working together should help to increase Andorra's exposure on the platforms available to us: Andorra Turisme's own platforms as sponsors, those provided by MoraBanc and now those of Andorra Telecom as well. We’re all pulling together for Andorra, and this is the right way to go”.

The advertising space provided by the company is estimated to be worth €36,500, and a large audience is expected in this final phase as there have been no sports broadcasts during the last few months.

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