Andorra Telecom

Andorra Telecom receives the 2020 Iberoamerican Quality Award in the silver category
Tuesday 20 de April de 2021

Andorra Telecom receives the 2020 Iberoamerican Quality Award in the silver category

Jordi Nadal, the Managing Director of Andorra Telecom, received the award from Xavier Espot, the Head of the Government, and spoke a few words on behalf of all the winners who were unable to attend due to the COVID-19 safety measures in place.

The ceremony was held this evening in the auditorium of the Congress Centre of the capital. The Iberoamerican Quality Award is a project attached to the Iberoamerican Summit of Heads of State and Government, coordinated by the Iberoamerican Secretary-General (SEGIB) and managed by the Iberoamerican Foundation for Quality Management (FUNDIBEQ) and this year it holds its21st edition.

The award, based on the Iberoamerican model of excellence in business management, aims to acknowledge the quality of the management of the award-winning organisations. It also seeks to drive the development of Latin American companies, offering a model that can be compared with outstanding organisations in the international field, to promote and focus on the needs and expectations of stakeholders, publicise the winning organisations’ best practices and, by extension, facilitate the improvement of others.

The organisation emphasised that the award is endorsed both by the thoroughness and reliability of the established processes and by the independence of the international evaluators made up of 11 experts from 6 different countries.

A total of 13 organisations from 8 Latin American countries have taken part this year, including Costa Rica and the Principality of Andorra for the first time.

The aspects highlighted by the jury regarding Andorra Telecom that caused it to award it the silver medal are the good practices in management and its high involvement in the country, placing emphasis on the company’s goal of obtaining the Andorran people’s commitment to their telecommunications company and their trust and participation in it. Management in which, according to the evaluation team, the company’s social action is evident, while the relevant economic and social results of the employees and customers are partly due to the lines of action and strategy promoted by the organisation and developed with the significant involvement of its personnel.

According to the Managing Director of the Andorran telecommunications operator, being able to put itself forward as a candidate for the award “has been a great opportunity, and also a challenge that has allowed us to see that we are on the right path.” Nadal highlighted that “we don’t regard this recognition as a culmination or as an achievement to prove our track record, but rather the impetus to keep striving for continuous improvement and consolidate the habit of doing things well.”

FUNDIBEQ congratulated all the winners, highlighting the efforts made by the organisations to finalise the intensive process of the Iberoamerican Quality Award, in a year in which the conditions have unfortunately been particularly complicated due to the pandemic.

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