Andorra Telecom

Andorra Telecom joins International Girls in ICT Day
Thursday 22 de April de 2021

Andorra Telecom joins International Girls in ICT Day

Quatre alumnes de 4t d’ESO de centres escolars del país comparteixen inquietuds amb una enginyeria de la companyia

Once again, Andorra Telecom is joining the initiative promoted by the member states of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) with the aim of creating a global environment that empowers and encourages girls to consider the possibility of training in ICT (Information and Communication Technology). This year marks the tenth anniversary of this initiative.

While in recent years it has been the Andorra Telecom engineers who’ve travelled to schools to hold talks with 4th year secondary education students during which they’ve shared their professional careers and listened to their concerns and anxieties, this year, due to the pandemic caused by COVID-19, some students have travelled to the company’s headquarters in Santa Coloma.

Thus, this year four 4th year secondary students, Eugenia Riberaygua from the Agora International School Andorra, Naima Perissé, from the Andorran school of Encamp and Laia Solé and Laia Puigdemasa from Sant Ermengol spent some time with Meritxell Agudo, an engineer at the company with whom they pooled experiences and expressed their doubts about the situation of women who decide to pursue higher studies in technology and dedicate themselves to this field.

During the meeting, the 4th year secondary students were able to get first-hand knowledge on Meritxell’s training and work experience and other aspects, such as whether being a woman has led to any obstacles in her training and employment career.

With these initiatives Andorra Telecom seeks to encourage female secondary school students in Andorra to choose a career in the field of ICT and encourage their incorporation into the workforces of technology companies.

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