Andorra Telecom

Nine proposals for Andorra Telecom’s new headquarters
Thursday 16 de September de 2021

Nine proposals for Andorra Telecom’s new headquarters

On Wednesday at midday, the deadline arrived for the submission of bids for Andorra Telecom’s new headquarters at 112, Avinguda Meritxell in Andorra la Vella.

The company received a total of nine proposals in the competition for ideas. The jury met once the proposals had been received. It was made up of Jordi Torres, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Andorra Telecom, Jordi Nadal, the company’s Managing Director, Conxita Marsol, Consul General of Andorra la Vella, César Marquina, Secretary of State for Digital Transformation, Manel Riera, representative of the Ministry of Territory and Housing, Ivan Morante, representative of the Architects’ Association of Andorra, Mònica Dalmau, ACODA’s representative, Rosa Pascuet, the neighbourhood’s representative, Toni Rodríguez, Technical Director of Andorra Telecom and Thaïs Sànchez, Building Technician at Andorra Telecom.

The jury made some initial assessments and highlighted the quality of all the architectural proposals submitted.

The jury has appointed a technical working committee that will evaluate the technical compliance with the requirements of the specifications for the proposals submitted.

Andorra Telecom is committed to ensuring that this new building, located in the heart of the commercial hub of the parish of Andorra la Vella, is integrated into the urban area in a sustainable and transformational way.

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