Andorra Telecom

Espic Expands its Facilities to Accommodate Additional Staff
Thursday 27 de July de 2017

Espic Expands its Facilities to Accommodate Additional Staff

The contact centre promoted by Andorra Telecom has 60 employees and provides services in six languages. It concluded its first year with profits and is expected to duplicate its business turnover in 2017.

On Thursday, the Chief Executive Officer of Andorra Telecom, Jordi Nadal, praised the growth experienced by the ESPIC contact centre located in the Els Arcs building in La Massana. The company, which provides customer services to third parties, has doubled its workforce in the year and a half it has been in operation, reaching 60 employees.

Nadal has visited the facilities, accompanied by the Deputy Director of Andorra Telecom, Antoni Ambatlle, and the Managing Director of Espic, Joan Foix. ESPIC is the result of the alliance between Andorra Telecom and the Spanish company MST to provide customer services to both the national and international markets. The increase in the number of workers has led to the expansion of facilities to a new floor in the Els Arcs building in La Massana.

The contact centre currently has ten clients, half of which are foreign companies that have moved part of their customer service provision to Andorra. Among these companies are the optical company, Indo; D-link in the computer components industry and the fourth largest Spanish telecommunications operator, Másmóvil.

In July 2016, Andorra Telecom entered into the capital of Másmóvil. The agreement allowed the two companies to establish a preferential relationship with one another and, among its synergies, it has led to Espic becoming their customer service provider.

At present, the staff at Espic attends to customers in six languages: Catalan, Spanish, French, English, Portuguese and Italian.

The creation of Espic forms part of the projects to diversify the economic activity of Andorra Telecom, to make up for the drop in revenues arising from the new roaming policies within the European Union. Nadal explained that the all the expectations for the contact centre are being met. “The fact that the company has closed with a profit of €49,000 after just ten months of activity is an excellent result," commented Nadal.

Last year, the turnover was just short of €600,000 and this year "we expect to double the turnover," added Nadal, who, in turn, expressed his satisfaction that this initiative of Andorra Telecom is generating wealth and new jobs.

La creació d’Espic forma part dels projectes de diversificació de l’activitat econòmica d’Andorra Telecom per suplir amb noves activitats la caiguda d’ingressos derivada de les noves polítiques de roaming dins de la Unió Europea. Nadal ha explicat que amb el contact center s’estan complint plenament les expectatives. “Que una empresa en tan sols deu mesos d’activitat hagi tancat amb un benefici de 49.000 euros és un resultat excel·lent”, ha apuntat Nadal.

L’any passat la xifra de negoci va fregar els 600.000 euros i per aquest any “la perspectiva és doblar la facturació”, ha afegit Nadal, que, alhora, ha expressat la seva satisfacció que aquesta iniciativa d’Andorra Telecom generi riquesa i nous llocs de treball.

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