Andorra Telecom

Andorra Telecom adds new features to its mobile app
Thursday 05 de October de 2017

Andorra Telecom adds new features to its mobile app

Aspects such as consumption queries and the decoder’s remote control have been improved.

Andorra Telecom has launched a new update of its app for mobile devices. Firstly, this update includes improvements to the company’s decoder remote control (adjusting the volume and silencing), while it also permits prepaid card recharges and balance queries. In addition to these functional improvements, other minor technical aspects have also been updated.

This update, which is available as of this week for all app users, is the first in a series of improvements envisaged to take place over the coming months.

Andorra Telecom’s application, whose features include real-time product consumption queries, downloading invoices in electronic format, controlling the television decoder and watching trailers of scheduled films, is available for the iOS and Android operating systems. This app was presented in October last year and the two platforms have already accumulated more than 10,000 downloads.

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