Andorra Telecom

Andorra Telecom adds new functions to its television platform
Thursday 15 de February de 2018

Andorra Telecom adds new functions to its television platform

Now you can view the last seven days of programmes from the Movistar+ channels and return to the beginning of a previously started show

This Thursday the Andorra Telecom television platform will be adding new services to improve the customer experience and expand the options on content consumption preferences.

One of the most important new features will allow viewers to see on demand any of the previous week's broadcast on Movistar+ channels. This new service, named "Watch the Last 7 Days", provides customers with a wide selection of content "a la carte". In order to use this new function, just open up the TV Guide on the menu, choose your programme from the list and press play.

The other new service is called "Back to the Beginning", where the viewer will be able to restart a programme they have already started. The option is especially useful when tuning into a programme that has already started.

Customers of Movistar+ television only have to switch off their decoder with the remote and switch it back on in order to enjoy these new features.

These two services will be extended in the coming months to other mainstream channels (Antena 3, Tele 5, TF1, France 2, etc.)

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