Andorra Telecom

The Ordino Commune transfers its entire IT platform to the Andorra Telecom cloud
Wednesday 11 de April de 2018

The Ordino Commune transfers its entire IT platform to the Andorra Telecom cloud

The agreement will entail the elimination of the physical IT servers and the migration of all the data to a virtual infrastructure.

On Wednesday, Josep Àngel Mortés, Mayor of Ordino, and Jordi Nadal, Managing Director of Andorra Telecom, signed the contract to allow the transfer of the Commune’s IT platform to Som Cloud, Andorra Telecom’s cloud. Ordino thus makes a firm commitment to technological innovation and becomes the first administration to adopt the global service provided by Som Cloud. The agreement will entail the elimination of the physical IT servers located at the Commune’s offices and the migration of all the data to a virtual infrastructure.

The change will bring several benefits. It will eliminate server maintenance and allow more accurate planning of spending on IT related equipment and the flexible scaling of the platform with a view to future requirements. At the same time, it will guarantee Andorra Telecom’s support 24 hours a day and ensure that the information is kept at a private data center with advanced security measures such as electrical redundancy and fire protection, thereby significantly reducing service outages. The corporation’s employees will continue to work in the same way but access to the services will be provided remotely from Som Cloud.

The project, which has already begun, is expected to be completed by the summer. It envisages the migration of a total of 15 virtual servers to a platform with 15GHz of processing capacity, 64GB of RAM and almost 6TB of hard disk space. The transmission of data between the Commune and Som Cloud will be performed over a private connection with 300 Mbps of redundant optical fibre, to ensure that the daily operations work in an optimal fashion.

The Mayor emphasised to the media that the Commune’s workers and its citizens should benefit from this initiative, as it will allow more time to be devoted to improving processes and services. For his part, Jordi Nadal highlighted that the Ordino Commune will become the first administration to take such a leap forward and thanked the Mayor for the trust placed in Andorra Telecom’s platform.

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